Vocations Retreat at St. Sophia Seminary!
Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary is one of the jewels of our Metropolitan Center. It has trained generations of clergy to serve the people and parishes of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church. But vocations are about more than training clergy and our parishes need more than priests.
Now we would like to train YOU!
We may not all be called to the priesthood, but we are called to serve! St. Sophia’s and the Metropolia have developed new programs to help you deepen your understanding of Holy Orthodoxy and empower you to serve your parish and community. Many of these programs are designed to meet the needs of people who work full-time and/or live far away from the Metropolitan Center in South Bound Brook, New Jersey.
Want to learn more?
Come to our Vocations Retreat at St. Sophia Seminary on May 10th!
9:00 AM Morning Prayers and Welcome
9:30 AM Introductions around the breakfast table. Coffee, fruit, and doughnuts will be provided.
10:00 AM Introduction to Vocations. Fr. Anthony Perkins, the Director of Vocations for the UOC-USA, will provide an interactive presentation on the call to serve and discuss the many ways it can play out in local parish life.
11:00 AM Preparation for Vocations in the UOC-USA. Fr. Bazyl Zawerucha, the Provost of St. Sophia Seminary, will describe the full-time, weekend, and distance learning courses that St. Sophia’s and the UOC-USA offer to train all the leaders, teachers, and ministers of our parishes.
NOON Lunch (local establishments)
1:00 PM Nuts and Bolts of Parish Chanting. Subdeacon Michael Abrahamson, lead chanter (dyak) at the parish of St. Michael the Archangel parish in Woonsocket RI, will describe practical aspects of parish chanting and singing. Time will be provided to discuss how participants can help the priests and music directors at each of their individual parishes.
3:00 PM Session One: Church Chanting – Practicum (Sdn. Michael)
Session Two: Altar Service – Practicum (Fr. Anthony & senior seminarians)
5:00 PM Open Conversation about growing parishes and missions through service
6:00 PM Great Vespers and Dismissal
Please contact Fr. Anthony Perkins (401-762-3939 or for more information.
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